John Hattie is Wrong

John Hattie is a professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is famous for a book, Visible Learning, which claims to review every area of research that relates to teaching and learning. He uses a method called “meta-meta-analysis,” averaging effect sizes from many meta-analyses. The book ranks factors from one to 138 in terms of their effect sizes on achievement measures. Hattie is a great speaker, and many educators love the clarity and simplicity of his approach. How wonderful to have every known variable reviewed and ranked!

However, operating on the principle that anything that looks to be too good to be true probably is, I looked into Visible Learning to try to understand why it reports such large effect sizes. My colleague, Marta Pellegrini from the University of Florence (Italy), helped me track down the evidence behind Hattie’s claims. And sure enough, Hattie is profoundly wrong. He is merely shoveling meta-analyses containing massive bias into meta-meta-analyses that reflect the same biases.


Part of Hattie’s appeal to educators is that his conclusions are so easy to understand. He even uses a system of dials with color-coded “zones,” where effect sizes of 0.00 to +0.15 are designated “developmental effects,” +0.15 to +0.40 “teacher effects” (i.e., what teachers can do without any special practices or programs), and +0.40 to +1.20 the “zone of desired effects.” Hattie makes a big deal of the magical effect size +0.40, the “hinge point,” recommending that educators essentially ignore factors or programs below that point, because they are no better than what teachers produce each year, from fall to spring, on their own. In Hattie’s view, an effect size of from +0.15 to +0.40 is just the effect that “any teacher” could produce, in comparison to students not being in school at all. He says, “When teachers claim that they are having a positive effect on achievement or when a policy improves achievement, this is almost always a trivial claim: Virtually everything works. One only needs a pulse and we can improve achievement.” (Hattie, 2009, p. 16). An effect size of 0.00 to +0.15 is, he estimates, “what students could probably achieve if there were no schooling” (Hattie, 2009, p. 20). Yet this characterization of dials and zones misses the essential meaning of effect sizes, which are rarely used to measure the amount teachers’ students gain from fall to spring, but rather the amount students receiving a given treatment gained in comparison to gains made by similar students in a control group over the same period. So an effect size of, say, +0.15 or +0.25 could be very important.

Hattie’s core claims are these:

  • Almost everything works
  • Any effect size less than +0.40 is ignorable
  • It is possible to meaningfully rank educational factors in comparison to each other by averaging the findings of meta-analyses.

These claims appear appealing, simple, and understandable. But they are also wrong.

The essential problem with Hattie’s meta-meta-analyses is that they accept the results of the underlying meta-analyses without question. Yet many, perhaps most meta-analyses accept all sorts of individual studies of widely varying standards of quality. In Visible Learning, Hattie considers and then discards the possibility that there is anything wrong with individual meta-analyses, specifically rejecting the idea that the methods used in individual studies can greatly bias the findings.

To be fair, a great deal has been learned about the degree to which particular study characteristics bias study findings, always in a positive (i.e., inflated) direction. For example, there is now overwhelming evidence that effect sizes are significantly inflated in studies with small sample sizes, brief durations, use measures made by researchers or developers, are published (vs. unpublished), or use quasi-experiments (vs. randomized experiments) (Cheung & Slavin, 2016). Many meta-analyses even include pre-post studies, or studies that do not have pretests, or have pretest differences but fail to control for them. For example, I once criticized a meta-analysis of gifted education in which some studies compared students accepted into gifted programs to students rejected for those programs, controlling for nothing!

A huge problem with meta-meta-analysis is that until recently, meta-analysts rarely screened individual studies to remove those with fatal methodological flaws. Hattie himself rejects this procedure: “There is…no reason to throw out studies automatically because of lower quality” (Hattie, 2009, p. 11).

In order to understand what is going on in the underlying meta-analyses in a meta-meta-analysis, is it crucial to look all the way down to the individual studies. As a point of illustration, I examined Hattie’s own meta-meta-analysis of feedback, his third ranked factor, with a mean effect size of +0.79. Hattie & Timperly (2007) located 12 meta-analyses. I found some of the ones with the highest mean effect sizes.

At a mean of +1.24, the meta-analysis with the largest effect size in the Hattie & Timperley (2007) review was a review of research on various reinforcement treatments for students in special education by Skiba, Casey, & Center (1985-86). The reviewers required use of single-subject designs, so the review consisted of a total of 35 students treated one at a time, across 25 studies. Yet it is known that single-subject designs produce much larger effect sizes than ordinary group designs (see What Works Clearinghouse, 2017).

The second-highest effect size, +1.13, was from a meta-analysis by Lysakowski & Walberg (1982), on instructional cues, participation, and corrective feedback. Not enough information is provided to understand the individual studies, but there is one interesting note. A study using a single-subject design, involving two students, had an effect size of 11.81. That is the equivalent of raising a child’s IQ from 100 to 277! It was “winsorized” to the next-highest value of 4.99 (which is like adding 75 IQ points). Many of the studies were correlational, with no controls for inputs, or had no control group, or were pre-post designs.

A meta-analysis by Rummel and Feinberg (1988), with a reported effect size of +0.60, is perhaps the most humorous inclusion in the Hattie & Timperley (2007) meta-meta-analysis. It consists entirely of brief lab studies of the degree to which being paid or otherwise reinforced for engaging in an activity that was already intrinsically motivating would reduce subjects’ later participation in that activity. Rummel & Feinberg (1988) reported a positive effect size if subjects later did less of the activity they were paid to do. The reviewers decided to code studies positively if their findings corresponded to the theory (i.e., that feedback and reinforcement reduce later participation in previously favored activities), but in fact their “positive” effect size of +0.60 indicates a negative effect of feedback on performance.

I could go on (and on), but I think you get the point. Hattie’s meta-meta-analyses grab big numbers from meta-analyses of all kinds with little regard to the meaning or quality of the original studies, or of the meta-analyses.

If you are familiar with the What Works Clearinghouse (2007), or our own Best-Evidence Syntheses ( or Evidence for ESSA (, you will know that individual studies, except for studies of one-to-one tutoring, almost never have effect sizes as large as +0.40, Hattie’s “hinge point.” This is because WWC, BEE, and Evidence for ESSA all very carefully screen individual studies. We require control groups, controls for pretests, minimum sample sizes and durations, and measures independent of the treatments. Hattie applies no such standards, and in fact proclaims that they are not necessary.

It is possible, in fact essential, to make genuine progress using high-quality rigorous research to inform educational decisions. But first we must agree on what standards to apply.  Modest effect sizes from studies of practical treatments in real classrooms over meaningful periods of time on measures independent of the treatments tell us how much a replicable treatment will actually improve student achievement, in comparison to what would have been achieved otherwise. I would much rather use a program with an effect size of +0.15 from such studies than to use programs or practices found in studies with major flaws to have effect sizes of +0.79. If they understand the situation, I’m sure all educators would agree with me.

To create information that is fair and meaningful, meta-analysts cannot include studies of unknown and mostly low quality. Instead, they need to apply consistent standards of quality for each study, to look carefully at each one and judge its freedom from bias and major methodological flaws, as well as its relevance to practice. A meta-analysis cannot be any better than the studies that go into it. Hattie’s claims are deeply misleading because they are based on meta-analyses that themselves accepted studies of all levels of quality.

Evidence matters in education, now more than ever. Yet Hattie and others who uncritically accept all studies, good and bad, are undermining the value of evidence. This needs to stop if we are to make solid progress in educational practice and policy.


Cheung, A., & Slavin, R. (2016). How methodological features affect effect sizes in education. Educational Researcher, 45 (5), 283-292.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning. New York, NY: Routledge.

Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77 (1), 81-112.

Lysakowski, R., & Walberg, H. (1982). Instructional effects of cues, participation, and corrective feedback: A quantitative synthesis. American Educational Research Journal, 19 (4), 559-578.

Rummel, A., & Feinberg, R. (1988). Cognitive evaluation theory: A review of the literature. Social Behavior and Personality, 16 (2), 147-164.

Skiba, R., Casey, A., & Center, B. (1985-86). Nonaversive procedures I the treatment of classroom behavior problems. The Journal of Special Education, 19 (4), 459-481.

What Works Clearinghouse (2017). Procedures handbook 4.0. Washington, DC: Author.

Photo credit: U.S. Farm Security Administration [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This blog was developed with support from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Foundation.


14 thoughts on “John Hattie is Wrong

  1. Thanks for this. As a medical researcher, brought up on the Cochrane Library’s trial quality scoring system, it was obvious as soon as I learned of Hattie that he was making the errors you describe. I wondered if I was missing something. It appears not.

    Can I draw your readers attention to another issue. Hattie divides studies by intervention, but lumps together studies in different settings, and with different types of pupil trying to learn different skills. It is implausible that interventions which work for say a dyslexic primary school child in a remedial reading class, will also work for a high flying surgeon learning a complex physical skill. It’s as if in medicine we pooled trials of steroids to treat pneumonia, (harmful) with trials of steroids to treat rheumatoid arthritis (effective) and concluded that they had no effect!

    I’m new to education research, but it seems that people have been saying that Emperor Hattie has no clothes for some time. e.g. Why is no-one listening?

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Thanks for this. Our school is just now getting on the Hattie wagon towards eliminating grades during each semester (but still including final marks) because, apparently, evaluating assignments disables students from self-assessing. It didn’t sound remotely reasonable to me. I’m glad my intuition wasn’t entirely off!


    1. Interesting that the teacher at the small Oxfordshire village primary school featured in Visible Learning: Feedback won Pearson teaching awards “Primary School Teacher of the Year 2018” and another teacher at the same school has just received Pearson Teaching Award “Outstanding New Teacher of the Year in 2019”. That’s some pretty hard evidence validating the approach in the case study?
      In case anyone has any questions about the way the awards are won, this also makes interesting reading

      Liked by 1 person

    I am a little suspicious of any research the location behind “Any school, anywhere”. In Canada, for example, there is a huge difference between those schools where the students can see out the school window the consequences of thorough education, and those places separated by 500km or more of pine trees and snow.
    Another suspicious line is the anecdotal research result “It worked for me, so it should work for you”.
    Rephrasing another post – a Kindergarten child cannot be three grades behind, but a student in Grade 12 can be 5 grades behind.
    What has been the “effect size” of colonisation on First Peoples?


  4. I’m currently trying to get our union to fight the TAP system from NIET. It has devised one of the worst rubrics ever to evaluate teachers based on Hattie’s “research”. Seems to me it’s a way to blame teachers for the problems of society in an effort to privatize public education. Teacher’s lives are being drastically affected by this terrible research and no one seems to care at all. School districts are doing this to their own teachers.
    If any one has any ideas on how I can fight this at a district level, please let me know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Union has to put up a defence against Hattie by educating teachers on how bad Hattie’s research is. Districts and administrators will always use Hattie’s research as it suits their purpose – e.g. class size does not matter, the teacher is the problem…

      Individual teachers have no chance to fight this.

      The New Zealand education unions were successful in fighting Hattie many years ago, particularly against Hattie’s promotion of teacher performance pay and his tool to measure this.

      There is someone putting together all the peer review critiques of Hattie in a simple blog, i will try to find it for you.


      1. Unfortunately the union hate seems to think TAP is the bee’s knees. I’m meeting with them Wednesday. I’m so frustrated that education can be manipulated this way by people who know better.


      2. That will be tough. I guess you can only show some evidence.

        A colleague has set up some summaries of Hattie and he went through Hattie’s 2000 study (with only 65 teachers) for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBC) and shows how Hattie used other certification meta-analyses with low effect sizes to represent “teacher training” but does not use these in his report back to the National Board but rather, as Podgursky states in his peer review, “nebulous standards”. see here –

        Some items to note, Hattie’s 2000 study used 40 non certified teachers as a comparison group.

        “In order to investigate the extent to which National Board Certified teachers differ from non-certified teachers in the amount and type of professional activity, we designed and administered an extensive telephone interview protocol to a sample of 40 MC/Gen and EA/ELA candidates from across the United States.” (p. 11).

        An extensive telephone interview – really, and this is supposed to be great evidence?


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